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Stats for Qkroode

Statistics for qkroode.nl Why? I鈥檓 always fascinated with data and now that this website is getting some more purpose for me I鈥檝e decided to make use of the access and error logs to at least get a sense of the usages. No cookies The easiest route would be to just use something like Google Analytics and install a tracking cookie, but this implies that you have to get consent for tracking activities and thus a cookie banner....

June 3, 2021 路 4 min 路 Quincey

Nomad - Using Vault secrets in docker logging driver

Nomad - Using Vault secrets in docker logging driver Scheduler Nomad is an awesome scheduler for not only docker containers but also single run applications or scripts. The only downside to having containers running, being destroyed and having a new fresh one spin up whenever I want or whenever it fails a health check is that collecting logging can be a hassle. Logging Luckily Docker has a logging driver that sends data towards my favorite data platform, Splunk....

January 23, 2021 路 3 min 路 Quincey

Endless Intro

Usually I have somewhere between 10 to 30 tabs open in my browser, mostly stuff to read at a later time. On its one this is really an annoyance, but this pattern repeats (in extreme) on my iPad Pro and my iPhone. Currently my phone has about 65 tabs active. At some point I was fed up with this and decided to do something about this. I saw this as an exercise in my coding skills and at the same time solve something that bothered me....

December 29, 2020 路 1 min 路 Quincey